UnwantedNYCpets.org Saves Dogs
Betina Wassermann is the founder of Unwanted NYC Pets, a 501-C3 non-profit organization. Unwanted NYC Pets team members are determined to help make the world a better place by saving the lives of dogs, who would otherwise be put down if not rescued. Her message: Don’t buy dogs, please adopt them!
Unwanted NYC Pets is operated on 100% volunteer time, using 100% of all donations to pay for care and food for man’s best friend. Its mission extends beyond saving lives into educating anyone and everyone on the importance of spaying and neutering cats and dogs in Brooklyn, New York and across the U.S.
Betina wants everyone to tell someone they know to please stop buying dogs.
There are an estimated 4-6 million dogs and cats put down each year in the United States. “There are too many kill shelters, and we need help by spreading the word to adopt, not buy. And, to spay and neuter” said Betina.
Visit unwantednycpets.org.
After encountering some life-changing news, Betina was compelled to do something for the greater good. Determined to do everything in her power to help stop dogs in New York, N.Y., from being put down, Betina started UnwantedNYCpets.org two years ago. Now assisted by four volunteers and the network of foster families, “We all work full-time jobs, and the five of us give 100% to stop the deaths of so many animals who will be euthanized,” Betina said.
“As a child my mother always saved and rescued stray dogs, and I knew that it was in my nature to do the same,” she added. Betina and the volunteer team at Unwanted NYC Pets organization depend on donations to keep up with the costs for veterinary care. Many dogs in the shelter who have kennel cough cannot be spayed or neutered, until the sickness has been cured. The organization stated it costs an average of $700 per dog in veterinary care before the dog can be adopted to a new loving family or fostered out.
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To donate for UnwantedNYCpets visit: www.unwantedNYCpets.org