Student of the Month
Veterinary Assistant Chelsey Klinger
Chelsey Klinger lives in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania, and works at a local flower shop as a shop hand. However, as of May 11, she will begin working as a veterinary assistant at Hamburg Animal Hospital where she completed her 90-hour externship as part of the Veterinary Assistant Program.
What was the biggest challenge you faced during your externship and how did you overcome it?
The hardest part was dealing with euthanasia. You know it is for the better when an animal is sick, but it still takes a toll on everyone in the practice. Just understanding the animal is no longer in any pain gives me a sense of peace.
What has been your most rewarding moment during your externship?
The most rewarding part was helping diagnose illnesses early so the animal can be treated sooner and have a better outcome.
Describe a humorous moment you witnessed or took part in while working at your externship location.
Some of the most humorous moments were with the office staff. They would make up funny stories about the cats who lived in the office, such as Twinkie and his wagon, or Sputie and his Bunsen burner.
How did you hear about the Veterinary Assistant Program and what convinced you to become certified?
I learned about Animal Behavior College on a television commercial and decided to check out its website. I loved the fact that I could study at home while continuing to work. Another attraction was the low-cost tuition for an accredited certification in the veterinary assistant field.
What are your future career plans?
I hope to continue working at Hamburg Animal Hospital for a few years, but I would love to move to Baltimore and work in a larger animal hospital in the city.
If you could work with any exotic animal, what would it be and why?
It would probably be a gray wolf. I would just love to see where domestic dogs began and how wolf behavior differs from that of domesticated dogs.