Dog Training Side Career

Mastering Dog Training Skills Matters

If you love dogs, why not think about a dog training side career? Dog lovers often find a dog training career fulfilling, knowing they’re helping both dogs and people. The obedience training experience builds a bond between owner and canine and helps turn a whirling, undisciplined tornado of legs and tail into a well-mannered companion. If you have ever trained your dog, you know it pays dividends.

Having a well-trained dog gives people the benefit of living with a model canine citizen while being well-trained offers freedom for dogs – freedom from being constantly reprimanded, freedom from never knowing what is expected, and freedom to do fun things like being off-leash outside and to have the run of the house instead of being restricted or crated constantly.

Fundamentals and Just Plain Fun

Dog training can be a fun side gig with lots of benefits, not the least of which is getting to work with all sorts of dogs. Most dogs are eager to please and love the learning process. They are smarter than people give them credit for, plus they crave quality time with their person. Having a willing pupil makes dog training more fun as you add to your skills.

For some people, working with dogs is intuitive. They can read a dog’s personality and instinctively know what motivates him or her and how to get results, but intuition must be combined with know-how, patience, and stick-to-itiveness. Good trainers are in demand, and word of mouth can quickly help you build a full slate of clients.

Other benefits of a dog training career:

  • It makes a great small business opportunity.
  • The hours are flexible.
  • It’s a physical job–you’re not stuck behind a desk!
  • There is a lot of variety!
  • It’s never boring or routine–all dogs are not the same, so you get to be creative and use problem-solving skills.
  • You get to help dogs reach their potential and live their best lives.

Training dogs to reach their potential requires a lot of skill-building on the human’s part. The results are so worth the effort you put into it.  A well-trained dog is not just a good dog, it’s a great accomplishment.

​Don't Just Take Our Word For It

Thinking About a Dog Training Career?

Do you love training your dog?  It might be worth it to look at taking your skills to the next level.  Becoming a professional dog trainer on the side could put some extra cash in your pocket, or it could be a great full time career for a dog lover.

If training your dog has sparked an interest in the profession, we would love to talk to you about our dog training certification online course. Call 1-800-795-3294 to speak to an admissions counselor about your future career!